Action bears

There are action heroes and heroines in capes and costumes.

While I appreciate these girls and gals and their exploits , my carvings tend to be an ode to Action Bears.

Action Bears are in action when they are not eating, sleeping or nuzzling their babies to be sure.

What powerful action heroes they are.

The power and the majesty that they possess and show over with nary a care if we notice.  To watch bears in action, I just  can’t get enough of the Nature shows, and going into nature to peep at the bears if possible.  I print off pictures from the world wide web and am on the lookout for anyone that wants to share their bear sightings.

The carvings posted below are all bears in action.

Moving, swimming, stalking.  The power of their muscles and the way they turn their heads to survey their surroundings truly a site to be seen.

These action types don’t need the glitz and glam they have the muscle and movement to get the job done.

Just for fun.